D’s Studio 個展開催


元町オールウェーズにてD’s Studioの個展が決まりました。


田村 "Dokachin" 嘉久 (Yoshihisa”Dokachin”Tamura)

D's Studio CEO  1955年 神戸生まれ







Born 1955, Kobe Japan
D’s Studio CEO

Buys a second hand Asahi Pentax during his Junior High School years and begins photography.
In High School, he builds a dark room inside a cupboard at home and teaches himself to develop, stretch and print.
However, he takes a step back from photography with the advent of color film.

2003, he puts an end to playing his beloved ice-hockey due to remnants of a disability in his lower body caused by spinal canal stenosis, and embarks on a career in photography.

Concentrates on photographing musicians through the contacts he makes, playing music in his younger years.

His friendships in the music community spread as he begins photographing Sho Amano, the late Masahiro Kuwana and Kazuo Shimada (Yuukadan), all musicians based in his hometown, Kobe.
Before long, he starts photographing major Japanese and international musicians and spreads his art to photographing theatre, dance, and portraits, concentrating on portrait photography.

More than 60 of his work have been used in CD and DVD covers in Japan and around the world.

In 2015, he had his first exhibition at the Otsunaka Music Festival in Kobe and continues to exhibit his photography throughout Japan

Author: dokachin

田村 "Dokachin" 嘉久 (Yoshihisa”Dokachin”Tamura) D's Studio CEO  1955年 神戸生まれ 中学時代、中古のアサヒPENTAXを手にし、写真をと始める。 高校時代、自宅の押入れを暗室にして、現像から引き伸ばし、紙焼きまで独自で学ぶ。 カラー写真の出現で暫く写真活動から遠のく。 2003年、頚椎脊柱管狭窄症で下半身に障害が残り、それまで愛したアイスホッケーが出来なくなり 本格的にカメラマンとして活動を開始する。 学生時代から続けていたバンド活動の繋がりからミュージシャンの撮影に専念する。 自身の住まいである神戸を中心に天野Sho・桑名正博・島田和夫(憂歌団)など 友人であるミュージシャンの撮影しながら徐々に友達の輪が広がり、 いつの間にか国内のミュージシャンに留まらず、 海外のミュージシャンや演劇・ダンス・ポートレートなど人物を撮影するに至る。 国内外のミュージシャンによるCDやDVDなど、ジャケット写真に自身の作品が使用され、 これ迄に係わった作品は60点を超える。 2015年、初めての乙仲ワールドミュージックフェスティバルの一環で初の個展を開催。 日本各地で写真展を続けている。 Portfolio: Born 1955, Kobe Japan D’s Studio CEO Buys a second hand Asahi Pentax during his Junior High School years and begins photography. In High School, he builds a dark room inside a cupboard at home and teaches himself to develop, stretch and print. However, he takes a step back from photography with the advent of color film. 2003, he puts an end to playing his beloved ice-hockey due to remnants of a disability in his lower body caused by spinal canal stenosis, and embarks on a career in photography. Concentrates on photographing musicians through the contacts he makes, playing music in his younger years. His friendships in the music community spread as he begins photographing Sho Amano, the late Masahiro Kuwana and Kazuo Shimada (Yuukadan), all musicians based in his hometown, Kobe. Before long, he starts photographing major Japanese and international musicians and spreads his art to photographing theatre, dance, and portraits, concentrating on portrait photography. More than 60 of his work have been used in CD and DVD covers in Japan and around the world. In 2015, he had his first exhibition at the Otsunaka Music Festival in Kobe and continues to exhibit his photography throughout Japan


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